Important Notices on Risks, Responsibilities, and Limitations of Liability
VIXO functions as a software company. We do not provide tailored trading and/or investment advice based on individual circumstances or market positions. The company does not manage subscriber accounts or promote business opportunities. While VIXO believes that education and the right tools empower individuals to make better investment decisions, it does not guarantee success in its training algorithms, or make claims about potential earnings. The material on the website, with the exception of third-party information or graphics, is proprietary intellectual property protected by copyright forbidding any unauthorized duplication, reproduction, or distribution.
Past performance should not be considered a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Results shared by users on our community forum, based on their experiences with our software, should not be viewed as insurance or indicative of future performance. Users maintain control over permitting or restricting trades, setting risk limits, and selecting symbols. The choices made by individual users can result in varied outcomes that may not mirror a typical experience with our platform. It is highly recommended that before utilizing our services, subscribers seek advice from trusted professionals to determine whether our services are suitable for their individual needs.
In certain instances, existing users may share their results or experiences using our platform with new or potential users beyond our community forum. It is important to note that we neither confirm nor deny the validity of such shared outcomes. Users are encouraged to use whatever tools or resources are available to them in order to make an informed decision, including consulting a trusted professional.
We want to stress that no information provided on this website serves as an invitation to trade specific investments. Trading involves the risk of financial loss in the pursuit of potential future gains, and the decision to do so is entirely yours. It is crucial for the user to be an informed investor and not risk invest any funds that would jeopardize financial stability as this website does not take into consideration individual financial and personal circumstances. Before acting on any information found here, it is imperative to consult with your investment professional. Your investment professional can assess what is suitable for your specific needs and circumstances. Failure to seek comprehensive, personally-tailored advice before making any investment could lead to actions contrary to your best interests and result in the loss of capital.
The risk of loss in trading commodities can be substantial and it is essential to carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you based on your financial condition. The high degree of leverage often available in commodity trading can work both for and against you, leading to significant gains or losses. Past results should not be taken as indicative of future outcomes.
Hypothetical performance results have inherent limitations including but not limited to the fact that they are typically prepared with the benefit of hindsight. There are frequent disparities between hypothetical performance results and the actual results achieved by any specific trading program. It is crucial to acknowledge that hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk and that the impact of financial risk in actual trading cannot be completely accounted for in hypothetical results.
Any testimonials provided herein were given without compensation and while the experiences described are believed to be true, there has been no independent verification of their claims. Additionally, there has been no attempt to authenticate photos or determine individuals’ experiences after providing testimonials. Testimonials only present the perspectives of individuals who were successful and satisfied with their experience. The average trader may or may not achieve similar results. It is important to note that people can and do lose money by trading futures.
CFTC Rule 4.41 outlines limitations of hypothetical or simulated performance results, stating that they do not represent actual trading and may be impacted by factors such as the lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, designed with the benefit of hindsight, may not accurately reflect actual trading results. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.
Results not adjusted for commission and slippage. Seasonal tendencies are a composite of consistent commodity futures seasonals from the past 15 years, reacting to underlying fundamental circumstances annually. However, even if a seasonal tendency occurs in the future, it may not result in a profitable transaction due to fees and timing considerations.
No representation is being made that any account will achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed within this site, support, and texts. Courses, products, and services should be used as learning aids and not for investing real money. If you decide to invest real money, all trading decisions should be your own.
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